Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Burning House

This assignment was inspired by This website asks people to take a picture of the items they would take with them if their house was burning down. Although there are many practical items and documents that one should probably take, I chose a more sentimental rote. These are a few of my prize possessions.

Name: Hannah Phillips
Age: 17
Occupation: High School Student
quilt- made by my mom
baby blanket- made by my mom
painting of me- painted by my mom
pictures that hang on my wall
my cat Ginger

1 comment:

  1. Wait I dont get it does your cat only have one eye is that supposed to be a symbol for how society is incomplete due to the excess of technology destroying face to face human relations? Shit that is deep Hannah you are such a talent even more than beyonce and that is hard to do because Kanye West has to be my favorite person ever
