Thursday, May 24, 2012

10 Ways of Looking at Music

This poem is a collaborative piece as each stanza was written by a member of my creative writing class! My job was to choose the subject that would be viewed 10 different ways and write the first stanza. The paper was then passed around the class and 9 other students wrote down a couple lines about music. Here is the ending product:

Music is the sound track to life
Running along side each story
Billions of genres
and sounds
Each person preferring a specific type

Music is like freedom
Belting it out
Alone in my car

Music in movies
Makes you feel
Like you're there

Music is able to unlock such a strong feeling
to Feel everything the artist does
or to draw awareness to personal emotions

Is music the key to unity?
A creator of passion
Could it be a peace maker?

Barely loud enough to hear
the music creeps down the hall
Sending shivers down my spine
Can anyone else hear it?
Or is it all in my mind?

The most influential creations
Humans have aroused
Necessitated music's beauty

Is the music that we create
equal to the music of nature?

Several beats and melodies
Fused to make one

Full of myths and legends
Interpret each differently

The only thing to be heard
While Cinderella danced with her prince
was the soft, sweet music

When the music skips
So does your heart

The background tempo of the heart beat
The music of one's voice
Music surrounds us
Just sit
and listen

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